Please note that we added features in this patch that required settings to reset. We don’t think we’ll have to do this in the future, but this one will require you to reconfigure some of your settings (sorry about that).
Please restart the Steam client to download the latest build.
Patch Notes:
- Added "Push To Talk" Option for Voice Chat - Default is still "Always On"
- Added a Global Mute button - Defaults to 'M' and can be used at any time
- Added visual indicator in Audio Settings screen to show when game is receiving mic input
- Players will Sprint when rushing for more than 2 seconds - Players may immediately Sprint by Double-Tapping Rush
- Players can now stay crouched while giving first aid
- Marine vehicles fire more aggressively
- Added Player List to Pause screen
- Adjusted Marine MARPAT camo for accuracy
- Fixed issue causing player rank to reset
- Fixed issue that caused wrong graphics card to be displayed in settings
- Fixed southpaw gamepad controls
- Re-enabled Fullscreen resolution
- Improved scope fidelity a little bit (more improvements coming)
- Improved visual fidelity for some times of day
- Improved gamepad controls
- "Assist" achievement is now awarded correctly
- Added ability to interrupt ammo check to apply first aid
- Added Grenade to remappable keys list
- More than two dozen other bugs fixed...
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