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AI Commands QoL Suggestion

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:12 am
by Tuckerware
I just want to preface this suggestion with this: The current command system for the AI is great. It's a perfect implementation for a game of this nature - quick keybind combos to order AI teammates instead of the dreaded command wheel seen in RoN. It's intuitive and straightforward, works well in situations where you need your AI teammates to quickly lay down suppressive fire, watch a direction, or get through a door.

Now one caveat I have is that the "Watch" and "Suppress" commands will always make the AI emplace themselves in the position that you called the command from. I know this is intentional and I do like this feature, however, I would like it if I could have the option to tell my fireteam to go from just watching to suppressing fire and vice versa from their current position.

I sometimes like to position my fireteam in a position to overwatch my Ready and I's movement, and wish I could tell them to stay in place while giving them one or the other command.

I think what's important here if you were to implement this ability is to keep the commands simple and easily available as they are now, so perhaps if you wanted your fireteam to remain in place you could maybe hold spacebar (keying the radio) while giving the command to tell them to stay in place?

Re: AI Commands QoL Suggestion

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:24 am
by Tuckerware
On a somewhat similar note, I also wanted to say that in the Campaign missions whenever your character is using the radio in between mission states, you sometimes will lose all control of being able to aim and shoot, which is a tad bit scary whenever you're in contact lol. I don't know if this is a known issue or not but I thought I may as well list that here too.

Re: AI Commands QoL Suggestion

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 7:10 am
by AmperCamper
Thanks for taking the time to leave this feedback for us, and welcome to the forums!

Fireteam AI moving to your position to execute commands is intentional, and we found in some early testing folks were losing track of their teammates without it. But, I'll forward this to the development team.

Noted on the campaign control, too.