Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

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Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

Love the update but sometimes me and other people have our guns glitch where most the time we can't shoot our guns anymore or can't right click to aim.
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Re: Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

Thanks for the report.

Can you share what actions you were taking that led up to this bug, as well as what mission you were playing?
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Re: Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

Two of my buddies had it happen a few times, it doesn't seem to be mission specific.
I'll ask them for more feedback tomorrow.
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Re: Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

I know on the new map it happened to me. I don't remember if it happened on a different map. Either I couldn't right click to point my gun but it could still shoot or the gun would not shoot at all. I think I might have kicked in a door once before it happened but it happened probably 4 times on the new fireteam map
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Re: Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

Our hotfix has a fix for this issue. Please let me know, guys.
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Re: Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

Okay thanks. Will let you know if it's still an issue. I spoke to someone earlier and they said it happened to them on a different map and not the new one.
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Re: Gun glitch where you either can't right click to aim or your gun won't shoot

Haven't had the glitch happen since the patch. Will let you know if it happens again.
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