Games to play while waiting for Six Days?

Discussions and chats related to Six Days in Fallujah.
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Re: Games to play while waiting for Six Days?

Gray Zone Warfare. It's become my go-to while waiting for the next update here.
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Re: Games to play while waiting for Six Days?

We're on PS5 and while waiting for SDiF, one in my group of friends and I have been having a blast with the new version of 7 Days to Die that just released. Yeah, it's a zombie survival game but has elements of strategy, combat, etc. ....enough to help scratch the itch for a good game for now.

Early 2025 couldn't come soon enough.
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Re: Games to play while waiting for Six Days?

I have been playing Delta Force and Battlefield 2042
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Re: Games to play while waiting for Six Days?

Well, since my last reply ARMA Reforger was finally released recently for PS5 so now my group has been really into it. Still trying to figure things out but we have two servers already and have been making PvE scenarios.
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Re: Games to play while waiting for Six Days?

I got Arma 3 and Arma Reforger but I didn't like it, I played Arma 2 in the past and that was ok. I recently just bought a new laptop for gaming, as my old pc couldn't play the games out now. I also bought a mini pc about a year ago, it will only play light games, it only has a 3 gig graphics card. I have been playing the battlefield franchise since battlefield 1942, and my favourite was BF Vietnam. When BF 2042 came out my pc wouldn't run it, so I got it for the ps5 it's still in the wrapper and hasn't been opened yet. Now I have it on my laptop and will play it when I get time.
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