Improvements to gear and uniforms!

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Improvements to gear and uniforms!

First of all let me just say this game looks incredible and I'm so excited to play :D . Although, I do feel like I'd love to see the Marines in the game carry a lot more kit and have some tweaks to really make them the best they can be, they are going in the right direction though!

- The current LWH helmet has some weird shaping compared to it's actual design, a little rework and variations like helmet scrims & comm systems attached would be awesome.
- More variations for gloves? Nomex, grip gloves or even none! Not just everybody rocking fingerless
- Just more kit hanging around if that be bags, pouches and webbing ( HSGI Chest Rigs, vests over armour etc etc )
- A little tweaking on the M81 and MARPAT ( some dirt, contrast changes )


Huge potential here but if can't be met everything around it still looks incredible, thank you for bringing this game back! :mrgreen:
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Re: Improvements to gear and uniforms!

Thanks for all the feedback on this.

Our helmets are actually revised based on community feedback from an earlier SITREP. There's some additional context here on the various helmets that were available during this period.

As for gloves, we identified a bug that only allowed them to roll in tan color. We're working on a fix to allow black gloves be rolled into the mix, too.

There are slight differences in the MARPAT camos rolled on each character, if you look closely enough. There are a few variants available. As for dirt, this will largely depend on the weather at play (at least for now). We have plans to expand upon this post-EA.

Thanks for the feedback on improving the variety of gear kits, too. We're looking into this as we grow our team.
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Re: Improvements to gear and uniforms!

maybe you guys can contract this guy to help with improving the models. his USMC model is very well researched and well done. He had a variety of different objects like the FLC vest, waistpack, etc
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Re: Improvements to gear and uniforms!

AmperCamper wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:44 pm Thanks for all the feedback on this.

Our helmets are actually revised based on community feedback from an earlier SITREP. There's some additional context here on the various helmets that were available during this period.

As for gloves, we identified a bug that only allowed them to roll in tan color. We're working on a fix to allow black gloves be rolled into the mix, too.

There are slight differences in the MARPAT camos rolled on each character, if you look closely enough. There are a few variants available. As for dirt, this will largely depend on the weather at play (at least for now). We have plans to expand upon this post-EA.

Thanks for the feedback on improving the variety of gear kits, too. We're looking into this as we grow our team.
Dear developers,

Helmets ingame are clearly oversized. Huge, compared with the real USMC LWH helmet weared by marines during Fallujah operations.

And the OTV protection vests must be much more bigger. Have a look to the inguinal protection armor plates. In the ingame models the vest is so small that the groin protector doesn't protect the area it should.


USMC models ingame actually doesn't represent the silhouette of the real ones. It breaks the inmersion and it's disgusting, considering the passion and perfection with which you are developing the game.

I am sure that with a few tweaks in the size of the helmet and the OTV, they will manage to improve the image of the US Marines remarkably.

Thanks a lot for your amazing work and support!
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Re: Improvements to gear and uniforms!

bump, have tried photogrammetry? would yield great results too
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